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One of the few people to create four successful international fashion brands, George Davies’ career in fashion retail spans over 30 years, the most successful fashion innovator of his time, a design guru and legend. He is the style visionary who founded NEXT in the 80’s, George at Asda in the 90’s, per una in Marks and Spencer in 2001 and his new and expanding venture FG4 launched in Saudi Arabia and Dubai in 2011. These brands account for over 12% of the current UK High Street and a staggering £72 billion contribution to the adult and childrenswear market.

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GWD is a contemporary British fashion brand created by the fashion innovator and design guru George Davies, specialising in creating unique styles which we know our customers will love.

Specialising in clothing for women and for kids, GWD uses the knowledge gained by George and the team over the past two decades to create products customers love and trust.



NEXT was his first brand and is still very strong. NEXT taught George (GD) Brand Creation. From Womenswear it went on to become Menswear, then Kidswear, Interiors, Jewellery, Gardening – it was the first lifestyle brand.



GEORGE AT ASDA was GD’s second venture. When you have a gap in the market, rather than looking inside out, it is good to look outside in.

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PER UNA AT MARKS & SPENCER was GD’s third venture. In 2000, George was approached by Roger Holmes, CEO of M&S. For GD, this was a dream come true.

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